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Is home equity loan lending increasing or declining?

Is home equity loan lending increasing or declining? written by; Editorial, Home Equity Loan Insight

Many consumers are becoming increasingly unhappy with the lack of home equity loans being issued. As property values artificially increased in 2005, there seems to be a delay with the housing marking rebound. This leaves many homes with decreased equity in their homes as many factors come in to play when applying for a home equity loan. Is your surround neighborhood seeing increases or decreases in their property values. More factors that come in to play when seeking a home equity loan include actual value vs. appraised value. What does the job market like in your area? Have there been , or will their be large scale lay-offs? As you can see there are so many factors involved other than just a credit score. Some say A good sign that property values have stabilized with when you see banks actively pushing home equity loan offers.  Read more on our blog here:

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